Thursday, 7 January 2016

Sea investing

on my writing this time I want to discuss about investment opportunities in the sea where I come from namely Indonesia
Currently there has been a change in patterns of human consumption of that used to consume more red meat or meat-dangingan of animal terrestrial turn towards the consumption of white meat or fish, fisheries, especially sea fish, the situation is due to the concerns of the risk of increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood when many consume meat and mad cow disease, bird flu and other diseases.
Data from the World Bank states that the world population in 2011 amounted to almost approaching 7 billion and is forecast to reach 9 billion by 2050. The increasing population and changes in consumption patterns that lead to increased consumption of fish. FAO estimates that fish consumption through detikFood world population up to 2021 will reach 19.6 kg. Fish needs in 2021 will reach at 172 million tons. Can imagine how big the fish needs in the future.
To meet these fish kebetuhan no longer possible to be supplied through fishing effort, therefore, the role of aquaculture fish to meet the needs of the world will be very important. FAO states that in 2013 recorded Indonesian marine fish production from the cultivation amounted to 13,147,297 (Fishstat FAO 2015) and target achievement Indonesian aquaculture production in 2019 amounted to 31.319 million tons, which includes fish amounted to 11, 775 million tonnes (including water fish freshwater, brackish and marine) and seaweed at 19.319 million tons. The production of new land use amounted to 2.8% (Directorate General of Aquaculture 2015) from the projected 2015 production at 17.9 million tonnes and the target will diproleh on until 2019 is still far from the expected.
The picture is at once an opportunity for Indonesia to be able to continue to stimulate the production of marine aquaculture to make optimum use of the potential of marine waters. Indonesia, the world's largest archipelagic state because it has a wide sea and the amount of the number of islands that has become its own advantages. Long beach Indonesia reached 95 181 km and marine area of ​​5.8 million km2, in addition to the geographically strategic position of Indonesia is tropical areas where the waters are very lush and tropical strip possess a high biodiversity that is around 45%. of the marine world.
Various types of commodity sea high economic value and market demand within and outside the country are marine waters of Indonesia. Commodity sea that include grouper (grouper mud, tiger grouper, grouper batik, giant grouper, grouper coral trout and grouper), shrimp (black tiger shrimp, white shrimp, shrimp fan and lobster), oyster (mussels, clams virgin , oyster, pearl oysters, and abalone) and sea cucumbers and various types of seaweed (Eucheuma cottoni, E. spinosum, sargasum, and glacilaria).
 Vast potential of the waters of Indonesia for the development of marine aquaculture is estimated at 8.36 million hectares, not including potential offshore waters (off-shore) over 4 nautical miles. Of the 8.36 million ha area is only used by 169 292 ha, or 3.69% (Directorate General of Aquaculture 2015). While the potential of the waters above 4 miles or off-shore untapped. The waters off shore potential which should be optimized for the zone designation area of ​​marine aquaculture development for clean waters, away from the waste or contamination of the population or industrial waste discharge around the coast.
Kepualaun Riau is a province that has a vast potential for the development of marine aquaculture peraiaran amounted to 455,779.9 ha is potential and a great opportunity to bring investors to invest in the field of marine aquaculture. Potential Riau Islands waters is quite remarkable when optimized. As an illustration to produce one marine fish economical (snapper, pomfret stars, grouper and cobia) using floating net (KJA) to optimize 30% of the vast potential of the above, wherein 1 unit KJA diameter of 10 meters into the 6 meter ( lk.400 m3 / cage).
1 ha of water area can be placed 5 KJA unit, 1 unit can KJA fish stocked at a density of 20 fish / m3, the maintenance period 6-8 months with the survival rate of an average of 80%, we will get the results of 3.2 ton / cage when marketed with an average selling price of Rp.60.000 per kg, finished with a 1 ha can produce 12.8 tons with a value of Rp. 768 million, so that by utilizing 30% of the vast potential of the waters or an area of ​​136 000 ha will produce fish more or less as much as 1.74 million tons with a value of Rp 104.4 trillion, not just value for money hundred trillion rupiah that can rotate, employment creation even the New can terujud, banyangkan if one unit KJA mean minimal run 3 in 1 ha will be required 15 people, so to menggoptimalkan water potential of 30% is required minimal labor as much as 2 million people.
That new estimates of the types of fish that will be developed, there are still many commodities other sea such as various types of seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii, Eucheuma spinosum, Glacillaria, Gillidum, sargasum, etc.) whose needs are not limited considering the seaweed can be used as the main ingredient and materials supporters of various food products, kosmotik, drug-addive otatan and materials for various industries, and also a variety of marine economically valuable commodity as mentioned above. if the commodities in developed cultivation it will be a very high value of the rupiah will be obtained and very much labor is needed.
In addition, the potential of Indonesian waters of the position and the location also benefited from direct border with countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Australia. In which these countries can serve export markets mapun export market intermediaries for export to foreign countries. Seeing the potential of Indonesian waters so vast and very good and suitable for the development of marine aquaculture industry, then it is proper potential is used as an opportunity to accelerate investment in the field of marine aquaculture in Indonesia. Marine fish farming is very profitable, yet still very few investors are willing to invest in the field of marine aquaculture in Indonesia, even to the waters above 4 miles arguably not exist.
This situation is very ironic because on the one hand very promising opportunities and advantages the other hand there are no investors who invest. One problem is because there is no guarantee of investing in marine aquaculture in Indonesia. Invested collateral is in the form of regulations governing regional zones covering a total area utilized waters, the carrying capacity of the waters, the waters of the disputed regional security and water environment pollution. The regulation can be used as the legal basis for inverstor, each investor before investing certainly thought would be executable assuredness that investment, in particular a guarantee of investment capital.
For the investors who will invest in the field of aquaculture requires guarantees in the form of regulations that could be used to apply for insurance for its investments and insurance also requires the regulation as collateral. Therefore, the regulation of investment guarantee is needed to encourage and invite investors who want to invest in the field of aquaculture. To make the regulation, required a study of the overall potential of the area to be proclaimed as the location for the development of aquaculture that includes the study carrying capasity (the carrying capacity of the waters of the region), the determination of point coordinates, mapping the region, socio-economic community, the corresponding relationships utilization between sectors as well as regional security study.
The study results are summarized tersebutlah hereinafter to be made into an academic manuscript for consideration in the manufacture of regulation, so the regulation can actually be jamianan for investors. The study was carried out in the entire area waters kawaan potential for the development of aquaculture industry in accordance with what has been stipulated in Law no. 27 of 2007 on coastal and small islands, Act No. 1 of 2014 on changes to the Law No. 27 In 2007, Fisheries Act no. 45 of 2009 and Act No. 32 of 2014 About Marine.
If this regulation will be published dinyakini many investors to invest. In addition to the regulation, in order to encourage investment percepagan bjdidaya marine fishery-related infrastructure needed government support in the form of construction of a fishing boat harbor life. Fish products produced from the cultivation of sea which are sold to the general market or exported alive, a small portion in the form of fresh or processed. The selling price of live fish is much higher than fresh fish. For example, live tiger grouper is priced between 100,000 - 150,000 USD while the fresh grouper. 20,000 to 45,000, or 20-30% of the price of live fish.
So the cultivation of marine fish would be much more beneficial if marketed or exported alive. That's why the development of port infrastructure in the form of live fish carrier vessel equipped with a container of live fish container with a closed water circulation system of the modern need to be prepared. With the boat harbor transport live fish is the fish life that will be marketed under export destination only through the port, so that foreign ships which will buy and transport of live fish for export purposes is done only at the port and was no longer allowed to buy and take direct from production centers cages or cage-like society is the case today.
Some of the advantages of holding the boat harbor live fish among others are terdatanya accurately the number and type of live fish exported, to prevent the sale of live fish on the high seas, to prevent foreign ships entering freely kewilayah Indonesian waters by reason of carrying farmed fish of centers production, create jobs, increase aquaculture production, keeping the fish alive kenstabilan sales price level, farmers, and increase state revenues and employment and increase revenue (PAD).
In addition to the live fish port development, the government should also set up a fish carrier vessels for transporting live fish from production centers into the shelter of live fish in the harbor. Ships transporting live fish is very helpful farmers in production centers for the fish cultivation periodically every moment will be transported to the port to be marketed. If the regulations of the collateral to invest, the development of fishing port hkdup and procurement of ships carrying live fish can be terujud be enormous impact on the development of the fishing industry marine aquaculture in Indonesia and will next investment ikutannya, in the form of industrial production of fish seed, feed, pharmaceuticals, net and KJA, as well as other processing of fish products will lead to an increase in state pendapagan, employment opportunities, and improve the welfare of society.
Hopefully scratches briefly about the potential and investment opportunities in marine aquaculture can contribute ideas that can be used as input for taking marine aquaculture development policy in line with the vision, mission of the government as stated in Nawa Cita to 7 on food sovereignty and maritime economic independence.

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